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All About Juicing (vegetables)

Mini Beet Protocol (MBP)

By Robert Von Sarbacher

I used this in Mexico for all the endlessly fluoridated people and all their sicknesses, and it made it so that the conditions associated with endless amount of fluoride they were consuming via bathing was reversing and QUICKLY.

This happened to the extent that mold and fungus in and under toenails and fingernails disappeared within weeks, if mold etc had been there less than 10 years, but it took about 2 to 4 months if they had mold under toenails more than 40 years….

Bathing forces the poisons of chlorine, bromine and fluoride (all water contaminants esp when in excess) into your body 10 to 30 times more than if you drank 8 cups of the tap water per day (and they drink NO tap water in Mexico it’s all Reverse Osmosis water for drinking!) – yet all waters that they bathe in contain these items as put in via water authority (except of course in the case of Mexico where people are getting their waters from wells which are notorious for having 10 to 40x the amount of fluoride in it from rocks in the ground, sigh, oh well.

At the same time these super powered elements of beets were manifesting in their faces.

One 28 year old woman, who had crows feet and fat on her face (around mouth area) even though she didn’t have too much fat on her body, had friends and neighbors give her the worst stare about 3 or 4 weeks after starting this and she finally burst out to ask why they were all sneering and snarling at her.

They said that it was soo vain of her to go and get plastic surgery or a face lift or whatever – spending all her husband’s hard earned money, to which she burst out laughing, and told them about the MBP.

She knew that I would get a kick out of hearing her tell this story because it was nothing but the mini beet protocol which she had done faithfully every day for previous 2 months that accomplished this.

Oh and she became pregnant one month later after trying everything in the world to get pregnant previously and had failed for previous 6 months.

She told me she attributed this to the faithful doing of this MBP.

I can assure you that she was right, since the MBP will clear estrogen receptor sites, and heavy metals as well leaving it easy for body to not only produce estrogen but also to receive it since estrogen receptors are now cleaned and uh, receptive!  Heavy metals also block receptor sites, too, if you didn’t understand the connection.   Also, heavy metals in general will easily prevent child birth just b/c of their affect on the body.

Beets not only remove heavy metals, but also they ‘youth’ you to point of removal of wrinkles and lines and fat from body , most especially removal of fat from strange places on body like around side of lips and under and over eyes and under cheeks and right under your chin!!!   Not to mention love handles! Woo hoo!

The MBP also helps with ‘turkey-neck’ removal although it is much better to use Salads for turkey neck removal (ie romaine lettuce always with tomatoes for that) and beets remove love handles and ‘under the butt’ and ‘sides of hips’ fat deposits – and you can kiss cellulite goodbye – all this from beets, but beets also  balance hormones and clean the brain of bleached items that have deposited there (in back of brain) over a lifetime (bleached starch, bleached sugar/salt/flour – therefore you should get decent sea salt instead)…

Beets will restore your methyl levels back to decades earlier…Methyl groups are like a yard stick of how long you will live, you use them up everytime you don’t get in enough nutrients from the food you ate during that meal or for the all the meals for the day.  For example, not any methyl or enzymes or enough vits and minerals in your meal, then body will age you (use up methyl groups) to make up for it, hence aging and lines and wrinkles occur!

Beets will force the destruction of the greatest maker of endless free radicals – which are ‘malformed red blood cells’ –  these malformed red blood cells are made by the body despite not having enough ingredients to make that blood cell in the first place; that is, body makes those cells no matter what, usually even if not enough raw material to make a red blood cell…anyway, beets also force the making of new blood cells too (this time correctly made red blood cells.)

[Note: malformed red blood cells output about 100+ free radicals per minute of their existence…they are free radical factories, they need destroying fast!! They pollute the blood unimaginably quickly]…

Beets are also an amazing tissue rebuilder and DNA corrector (there’s a book alone that can be written on DNA fixing, and rewriting, but I’m gonna leave it here for now)

Beets remove scars too….scar removal over time, like many months to 2 years and even then I prefer the use of lots of Ormus and magnets as well – we’ll discuss Ormus another time soon with scar removal though as a scar remover the beets can remove 100% of all scars at massiveeeeee doses within 2 months however the side effects of such a thing are – way too hard for anyone to go thru without one or two friends there the whole time, it’s horrendous work… requires another book just to explain this and how it works, but another time.  Note: all side effects can be removed but there’s a price to pay and it’s almost as bad as the side effects in amount of work to do hehe… I’ll leave it alone for now.  I’ll do my best in next years work to find a way to cut this down to nothing work wise for removing all scars but it’ll cost money, and time I do not have yet.

But the results of the massive beet dosage, way beyond MINI beet version of protocol… making for excellent youthing all over body, darkening of 100% of all hairs anywhere on body (and/or removal of grey hairs anywhere – although I much prefer eating of beef or lamb liver for (for the faster working of ) this as all grey is gone in usually one month of doing beef or lamb liver 1 to 3x/day for 30 days), total annihilation of all parasites, mycoplasms, nano-insects, the 100% changeover of every cell in your body with new cells, total depesticiding of your body in every nook and cranny, even your bones and marrow, yes beets go THRU bones which is why no parasite that makes it’s home in your bones will be able to live there anymore…. the perfection of the eyes and beauty of the iris of the eyes, … etc etc etc

3 steps are necessary and must be done in order… I highly prefer this be done every morning but it is not illegal to do this anyyyyytime of day at all… I have a morning preference b/c it gets it out of the way fast!

If you have anyyy major sicknesses, cancer, heart disease etc… I highly suggest you take this protocol 3 x/day with lots of veggies consumed thru day as well (and add 1 tsp, 3x/day of cayenne (40,000 heat unit is fine, never less though) as well – see source list for this cayenne 888-372-4372 – it mightttt work just as well with 3 caps of cayenne instead but I do NOT KNOW, whereas I KNOW it will work with it taken as a tsp with boiling water added atop it and steeped covered for at least 15 mins b4 drinking or wait and drink it cold either way.).  But doing this MBP one time per day is at a minimum.   I would also appreciate you starting out with tiny dose of ¼ cup beets for the beet portion of the drink, you have to get used to it first and ¼ cup starting point is good starting point!……

[Caution:  those with anemia cannot do a protocol like this, those very weak – like always no energy and feel like their whole life is one big detox reaction they can never get over… cannot do this protocol… just simply call me and I’ll show you how to get yourself to normal energy long enough to do the protocol]


(there’s another way to take this I’ve recently discovered via one client who experimented with it more and it WORKS! See Second protocol below – the first one is a major keeper though nevertheless)


  • 1 tsp of cinnamon mixed with 2 Tbsp of water
  • 1 cup of beet root juiced
  • 3/4 cup of asparagus juiced
  • 1 apple


Take cinnamon + water shot and allow 15 minute for cutting/juicing/drinking. Have all vegetables cut up and then start juicing. Immediately after juicing mix all the juices together, drink it all and then eat an apple afterwards. It’s important to drink the freshly made juice as quickly as possible because the live enzymes quickly die after a couple of minutes so in order to ingest them you need to be quick.

CinnamonBeetasparaguswet green apple 2

  • Step 1Take one shot glass of cinnamonsay 2 or more tbls of water mixed with a fork in 1 tsp of cinnamon– stir for 2 mins – if you do not stir well enough it will not mix well and will be an amazing annoyance on the back of your throat while trying to drink it down… right after drinking it you are to swallow little water to wash your throat of the residue of the cinnamon. Let’s say this another way… you are to have 2 glasses in front of you.  One glass is a stirred up cinnamon shot, and the second glass has a decent amount of water in it only, say 1 cup of water.   Drink the cinnamon shot, then drink the glass with water in it only to wash throat of the residue of the cinnamon and to make sure you do not burn your throat from cinnamon heat.

Now you can start juicing below… it will be about 4 mins til get everything juiced and to start drinking, so this will give time for the cinnamon to do its work, about 15 mins in fact J So, start cutting everything up, ready to be juiced, then juice it, 11 mins or so but 4 mins of juicing, is 15 til you’re drinking maybe, so  cinnamon will have done it’s work by 15 mins.  So have everything cut up and ready to be juiced ahead of time b/c MUST consume it the second that it’s juiced before enzymes die!

  • Step 2

    First and Foremost:  when I speak of beets being juiced as one cup or ½ cup or 6 cups or whatever, I MEAN the juice itself NOT the amount of cut up raw beets, and I’m always talking about RAW beets as well, since you can’t juice them cooked or pickled or otherwise non-pickled canned versions.  Every juicer on earth gets out varying amounts of juice, Norwalk will always get about 2x as much juice, twin juicers get out 1 ½ x as much juice, centrifugal get out 1x juice except Jack La Lane which gets about 2x as much juice… you cannot in a million years measure amount of juice via cut up raw beets, you can measure juice by measuring the actual juice that comes out…hehe I can’t tell the # of times I’ve been asked this question, so now noooo possibility for confusion.The exact ratio of beet to asparagus juice combo is 60% beet to 40% asparagus, (ie, as an example in amounts:  that would be exactly 3 cups beets juiced and 2 cups of asparagus juiced) but I have seen plenty make it into 50/50, (ie, equal amounts of each) …  which is just dandy.Start out small please:  work your way up to taking a full 1 cup of beet juice and ¾ cups asparagus juice (that is the goal of the mini beet protocol… 1 cup beet juice and ¾ cup asparagus juice, mixed and drunk)…  but for the moment you must start out with lesser amount and work way up to that over say one week…start with ¼  cup beet juice to ¼ cup of asparagus juice, first juice the asparagus, take that juice away from under the juicer and measure it out perfectly  and if there is any froth from the asparagus juicing, well, I measure ONLY the juice, NONE of the froth!   Simple… do the same thing with the beets that you did with the asparagus – measuring it out separately.  Now combine beet and asparagus juices, mix and drink right then. [the 100% purpose of separating them out is so that you measure them correctly that’s all.Again, you can do this for a week every day, then thereafter do the next step up –  ½ cup beet to almost ½ cup asparagus juiced, then next week step it up again and – do the full 1 cup beet to ¾ cup asparagus juice… this is the MBP not the Major Beet Protocol… the Major is just plain scary not only in the amount of beets/asparagus you are consuming but in it’s amazing affects on the human body, WOW! WOW! WOW! Very GOOD!  4 days of the Major and it will feel like someone lifted an anvil off of your kidneys, I kid you not…even if your kidneys function like perfection already!
  • Step 3Now lastly is to eat one apple or two apples or three apples:   one apple (if amount of mixed juice had in it a total of ½ cup of beet juice), or 2 apples (if amount of beets in the mix was ¾ cups beet juice) or 3 apples or more (if amount of beets IN THAT MIX as 1 full cup of beet juice )     – we’re talking ONLY about the beet juice portion of this mixthe beet portion is the only reason we’re eating these apples, so only measure the beet portion to know how much apples to take in – Next eat one or two carrots after the apples, I don’t care if it takes you 2 hours to get down 2 or 3 apples then eat 1-2 carrots as long as you get them down and in THAT ORDER (apples first then carrots) … you have to start with eating of apples right after the juice even if it takes you two hours to finish, just so long as you start Right After the juicing ok?  if you did this correctly you should notice total perfection – not a drop or hint of side effects, fevers, chills, nausea, headaches, etc! ok?  Eat those apples and then carrots to remove any drop of detoxing side effects.

.… for those who will obstinately refuse to take any advice on this and think they can be cocky with beets, then you have not seen the horrendous mind blowing shocking evil nausea (lol, I laugh but it’s not funny!) and other detox side effects that can come with it… do not play with beets if you are not able to follow this juice drink with eating of apples after or worse – if you get cocky after a 1-2 months of doing it faithfully and feel you don’t need the apples, then, watch out! but the detox side effects are beyond AWESOME in their annoyance of you and are not to be played with… if you do what I say there will not be a drop of any side effects…

Notes and extra information section:

…next note is for those with severe fluoride poisoning, you will notice huge amounts of headaches from eating nothing but asparagus, never mind also beets, – but you will have NOOOO headaches if eat the apples afterwards as mentioned above, esp with carrots following after…This is particularly useful info for those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and those on bone drugs that are highly fluoridated drugs.

Apples do not work if they are juiced, you must eat them… I found one way around this annoyance of having to eat them though… and it is to juice them then take the pulp of 1/3 of the apples and put it in the juice… the anti –“detox side effects” will not take place without the pulp!  1/3 of pulp in the juice, mixed up like so, is minimum to make this work, but you will have to increase though the amount of apples – I tried this and it worked and made it so that with only 1/3 that amount of apple pulp I was able to drink the apples down no problem…but of course, instead of 3 apples I now had to do like 6-8 thru a juicer, you get the idea… for those with teeth sensitivity then this is great!!  Or just do the 2nd protocol to not have to worry at all about this (though I STILLLL recommend the use of an apple after anyway as it seems to double its effectiveness, not to mention this weird clean feeling you get after eating apples.)

Note: for those who wish to experiment, you can TRY apples sauce – plain – no honey or cinnamon at all!!!!!  So for beet anti-nausea via apple sauce FRESHLY made, then no cinnamon added, must do the apple sauce alone by itself ok?   I have NEVER tried this with this form of consuming apples afterwards, UNLESS I put them in my Vitamix with half their weight in water and then blended and drink down, and this worked, but why have I not tried this often? why? b/c when making apples sauce this way it takes TIME to consume – and I’m usually in a hurry, so up to you.  Also, it’s much more volume of apples to consume than just eating two apples –  b/c I had put in lot of water too – to make it more apple saucy… but the real question is: will it work if enzymes die b/c did not eat it fast enough? I do not know..…(but feel FREE to experiment)

Note the difference between apple sauce possibility versus the juicing of apples with pulp thrown back in —  Easy b/c I am just drink that juicing (with pulp) down in seconds after juicing … it’s easy to drink… but with apple sauce, can you just drink it down? NOOO… so it’s Up to you which to choose, give it shot… I’m still a little leary of the apple sauce idea b/c you end up with 2 to 3x the volume or quantity of consumption b/c of water that had to be added to blender to make it into apple sauce, and it takes FOREVER TO GET IT DOWN in comparison to eating apples, my opinion, and I’ve done it only 2x in my life so I do not have enough experience yet to say definitely that it will always remove 100% of the detox side effects of apples, however, apple sauce in a can will NOT WORK! I tried that! it doesn’t work!  Is this b/c the enzymes are dead??? Hmmm, good question!   Does that mean that if I had not been consuming the apple sauce I just freshly made IN SUCH A HURRY TO CONSUME IT, that it would’ve not worked??? Did I consume it IN TIME before enzymes died??? I have no idea….


(Many have no access to asparagus so if not using asparagus you can mix with other juicings instead, and the juicing amount to mix it with is 2 ½x to 3x the juice amount of the beets.


  • 1 cup of beet root juiced
  • 1 cup of fennel juiced
  • 1 cup of 50/50 carrot and celery juiced
  • 1 apple


Immediately after juicing mix all the juices together, drink it all and then eat an apple afterwards. It’s important to drink the freshly made juice as quickly as possible because the live enzymes quickly die after a couple of minutes so in order to ingest them you need to be quick.

Beetfennelcarrot1celery1wet green apple 2

Let’s go over what that means: ie, if you juice 1 cup of beets, you need 2 ½ to 3 cups of another juice to make this anti-nauseous, ie, to dilute it enough,  you cannot drink this beet juice straight!  The other juices you can use are carrots with lots of celery(or prefer 50/50 celery/carrot) or (and I used this next one all the time in Mexico ->) cucumbers and little celery or, third,  just juice some apples and a little celery, and mix this with beets and drink… feel free to experiment with other juices to dilute this but asparagus is the only one I found that can be used in such a way as to not need much juice.  Whereas with all other juices other than asparagus juice  you must make 3x as much as beet juice soo – whew, that’s a lot of juice if using anything but asparagus, you see the prob?? … You get the idea…. I like the combo beet with carrot with apple with celery (and with cucumber possibly)

Note:  Let’s rehash the above to make it totally clear:  if you juice 1 cup of beet juice, you must do 2 ½ cups to 3 cups of another juice (like only apple juice or only carrot juice or only cucumber juice) (or a juice mix – like carrot/celery/apple, or carrot celery or cucumber celery or apple celery) as given above… this will make for a total of 3 ½ – 4 cups of juice total (PS by the way, this last recipe is what was used by the 28 year old woman I mentioned above for that 2 month period of time that made her get pregnant and made all wrinkles on her face disappear.)

If you use apples to dilute the beet juice you must still eat the SAME amount of apples afterwards as in examples above – 1 or 2 or 3 apples eaten afterwards depending on amount of beet juice in the mix! Sorry…apple juice will absolutely not remove any detox side effects of anything! You need the fiber to do that… No matter HOW MANY apples are juiced, it will never remove detox side effects in any amount! At all!  Therefore must eat exact same amount of apples as would have originally even when apples juiced into the drink….

Mini Beet Alternative :

[note: this alternative is a quaint alternative to get beets in you (from the whole form of beet using blender, NOT juiced, so fiber is still intact this way) but it MAY NOT be an acceptable alternative to the MBP above for clearing out diseases and parasites and Lyme disease or Lupus or lung disorders or removing chlorine and fluoride (which is a lot faster if doing the MBP,) and for cancer, same thing, b/c I just have no idea, haven’t experimented with it enough but it might be superior since the whole beet with phytochemicals intact, ie, all the fiber there, may and should be more powerful at eating cancer than the juice, though it’s the juice that has been used in double blind studies that worked so well, no one ever thought to use the whole beet, LOL, ….this one below is like a supplement, a super smoothie for the day, uh, it’s also quite like a happy pill, I kid you not, try this faithfully for one week drinking it right after making it so don’t lose the enzymes. Note: for cancer I recommend both this where you’re taking beets in in whole form and taking them in juiced form

This below is an alternative way to get beets in you, I have found it amazingly powerful and useful!  So here it goes, and also it has less side effects b/c it’s in whole form… anytime you eat a beet instead of juice it – it has 5X  less side effects, but slower working of its magic – but they WILL have side effects still –  it just may take a week or two to come up –  So eat your apples ok?? So.. here’s the 2nd recipe, the Mini Beet Alternative…

In a vitamix you are to put 4 bananas and 20-30 green grapes if have green (otherwise red or whatever will have to do)  and one medium size beet (there are 3 sizes, gigantic (softball), medium (baseball) and baby (golf ball)) – if they are organic bananas, then put in the peel from half of one of them ok? Now – whatever height in the vitamix (or other super blender you have) the bananas and beets height reaches in the blender, ie however much space in the blender that they take, you are to add water at least ½ that height after the ingredients are in, then blend and drink…you are to eat one apple and one carrot afterward IN THAT ORDER AGAIN! Just like above… it must be eaten in that order, please. (2 apples if you put in 2 beets, etc) I love this recipe b/c it’s also like a happiness formula …

As for this mini beet alternative:   Tell me if you do not have a noticeable turnaround in any problem you have starting in 3 to 5 days… not to mention that wonderful feeling in the brain that comes with that combo all by itself… don’t know how to explain that one! Lol  This blended drink – it’s my 2nd most powerful version of a happy pill!  Yes I have one better… saved for another time.

One warning though, if you are not eating enough apples and asparagus or you leave out the carrots/celery or you are significantly deficient in Magnesium you might get kidney stones ( 2 to 4 months later of doing this faithfully) like crazy in forcing all this stuff out…to rid yourself of chronic kidney stones simply take this dosage every day so that it is not an issue… the dosage each day that is to be taken is 100mg B6 and 300 mg of Mg…. I despise synthetics but it’s a quick and easy fix… however, I’d just eat my apples and carrots after or do the celery/carrot juice so don’t have to take the Mg and B6, ok?

Note:  extra fun for those that have the extra time…For those doing the MBP faithfully, there are 4 supplements I prefer for people to take to make certain they do not suffer from stones…. 2-4 capsules of Coral Calcium from me, morning and night (this one is ionized naturally so body will see it as food instead of as most coral is seen – a heavy metal), or 1 tbl of cod liver oil per day (also Debbie Russell 469-358-1143) , and Magnesium chloride (called Magnesium oil) in your bath or sprayed on your entire body morning and night, that is by far the FASTEST and MOST powerful way – let me know if you would like Magnesium Oil, or my hugeeeeee Magnesium Oil file!  – This will build up magnesium levels to perfection in 4 weeks (if sprayed on) – otherwise take 2 baths per day in it, for 8 weeks… (1/4 cup of Mag Oil in bath each time for 30 mins soak each time and in 2 months you should have perfect Mg levels) and lastly the most devastatingly powerful of all –is the combo of vitamin K2 & vitamin D3.

Beets eat kidney stones however, so do asparagus and apples, but sometimes beets grab and push out such in inconceivable amt of fake calcium from the body that … well, it’s too much and can’t dissolve it fast enough and thus have kidney stones (ie, too little magnesium or Vit B6 in the body).

Article copied out below for your edification :

Chlorine A Note About Carrots [thought you might like this article]

A special note about carrots is in order. Like virtually all vegetables, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of phytonutrients (i.e. nutrients in plants not otherwise classified) in carrots that have not yet been identified or tested for cancer-fighting abilities. It may be that we do not yet know the best cancer-fighting nutrient in carrots, but based on many testimonials and some books, carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all.

  • “In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which give them their orange color.”
    — Source For Quote No Longer Exists

A long-time and highly reliable friend of mine (in fact, my wife and I had our wedding reception at her home more than 35 years ago), told me about her friend’s father, who completely cured his throat cancer with carrot juice. In other words, he ate nothing and drank nothing but carrot juice and natural water.

Closer to home, I have seen a clear pattern in the people I have interviewed, and testimonials that I have read, that carrot juice was the core element of their raw food diet. While the day may come that some other vegetable, such as beetroots (i.e. red beets), may be shown to be even better, until that day comes it would be advisable to make sure that carrots are the core of your vegetable juice.

[the problem with the above is that almost every maker of ready to eat peeled and washed carrots in the USA has dipped them in chlorine before shipping them out! That weird slimy slippery feeling you feel on those carrots when they are a bit old and then wash them off and there’s no more slimy feeling, you just washed off chlorine!!!  It’s a major problem in carrots and esp in iceberg lettuce and all lettuces in fact! Just thought you’d like that info!]

Juicers:  in order to juice this in regular centrifugal juicer you must consume it the second that it is juiced (both beet and asparagus and then mix and drink) but if you do not drink it right then –  all the enzymes will die (most likely less than 15 mins after juicing (probably really 7 to 10 mins)– so be quick about drinking this, the power is in the enzymes not just vitamins and minerals), whereas if you get the Omega juicer 8003 or 8005 ($250ish) or if you get the Green Star Juicer ($350ish)  the enzymes will last 1 day maybe if you’re lucky; however, #1 in the world juicer for preserving enzymes is, so far, is the Norwalk – so with these juicers above you  can consume the juice mix later if you like making it very easy to juice a lot and drink it later saving you a lot of time of having to juice 2 to 3x/day .. yes???  (note: Norwalk makes enzymes last the longest, 1 ½ to 2 days min, and 3 days max, but the other 2 types work only to make enzymes live for …. 1 day if you’re lucky)  – enzymes are a necessity if you’re getting over anythinggg related to cancer, or other major diseases… or dealing with such.  Dr. Bernard Jensen found in treating anyone with cancer and other diseases, that juicing and super juices will NOT work without the enzymes alive!

Side Note:  technically though the greatest eater of cancer in the world are phytochemicals, these are found in the pulp… the highest source of phytochemicals to date with 325 different phytochemicals is… apples… hmmmmmm…..

Note: enzyme juicers above (not including the Norwalk) will give you about 25% to 150% of the vitamins and mineral content GREATER THAN a centrifugal juicer, BUT the Norwalk will do 50% to 300% greater vitamin and mineral content  above and beyond the (as I call them) enzyme juicers, always beating out the other enzymes juicers above in anyyyy category of juice extracted both in volume extracted and in amount of nutrients extracted and in length of time the enzymes will live after juicing… just so you know…

Robert von Sarbacher
POB 223744
Dallas, TX 75222


Juicing for Optimal Health

By Rachel Oppitz, ND

The body can heal itself of all manner of ailments when given the appropriate support. One way to help the body in this miraculous process is to provide it with the nutrients it needs to do a specific job. Juicing can provide a radiant, energetic life and truly optimal health.

There are four main reasons why you will want to consider incorporating vegetable juicing into your diet:

  1. You probably have a compromised intestine. Most of us have compromised intestines as a result of less than optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to “pre-digest” them for you so you will receive most of the nutrition rather than having it go down the toilet.
  2. You need to eat one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight per day. Vegetable juicing allows you to accomplish this, as you can eat more vegetables than you would normally. By incorporating the juice into your eating plan you will easily be able to reach this goal.
  3. Nobody wants to eat that many salads. If you eat the vegetables like a salad then you will be having far too many salads. This violates the principle of regular food rotation and increases your chance of developing a sensitivity/allergy to a certain food.
  4. There are valuable and sensitive micronutrients that are damaged when you heat foods. Cooking and processing food destroys these micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition.

Getting started

Drink vegetable juice for breakfast!

Vegetable juice is a great breakfast when balanced with some essential oils, protein, and a bit of chlorella. Please remember that vegetable juice and fruit juices are two completely different substances in terms of nutrition. Fruit juices should be avoided by most people. Although vegetable juice is processed, it doesn’t raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exceptions would be carrot and beet juice (and most vegetables that grow underground), which function similarly to fruit juice.

You can eat the pulp, too!

When you juice, you will produce pulp. It is best to mix it in with the juice and consume it. Often vegetable juice alone will cause loose stool. Adding the pulp fiber back into the juice will resolve the loose stools. Eating the fiber also serves as the fertilizer for the good bacteria in the colon.

Eating the pulp increases the time it takes to consume the juice, but it is healthier. One can gradually add the pulp back in over time to get used to it. If you add the entire pulp back in, the mixture becomes almost like a green vegetable porridge that can be eaten with a spoon.

Drink about 75% of the juice and then pour the other 25% of the juice back into the pulp. Add some ground seeds into the mixture, stir it up and eat it like porridge. Raw seeds (pumpkin and flax) should be freshly ground and alternated regularly. The seeds are full of protein and essential fatty acids that bring the juice into balance. You may also add whey or rice protein powder and cod liver or krill oil.

Fat is important because green vegetables contain vitamin K1 which is very important for cementing the calcium into your bone matrix. Vitamin K significantly reduces calcification in the arteries. Vitamin K1 is not well absorbed unless fat is present. Additionally, the vitamin D in cod liver oil will work with the vitamin K1 to increase calcium absorption and build stronger bones. Listen to your body, try it both ways, and see what works best for you. For maximum sustained calcium absorption, you must use Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K2 — see the related articles

Step 1:
Now that you are ready for the benefits of vegetable juice, start with these vegetables as they are the easiest to digest:
•  2 stalks celery
•  2 stalks fennel (anise)
•  1 cucumber

Begin with 1-2 oz. of juice at a time. Gradually increase until you can drink 12 oz.

These are not as beneficial as more nutritionally intense dark green vegetables. Once you get used to these, you can start eating more nutritionally valuable, but less palatable vegetables into your juice.

Vegetables to avoid or use with caution include carrots and beets. Most people who juice usually use carrots. The reason they taste so good is that they are high in fructose; the same sugar present in large amounts in fruit. Please use caution with root vegetables to avoid increasing insulin levels. If you are healthy, you can add about one pound of carrots or beets per week. The deep, intense colors of these foods provide additional benefits for many that are just not available in green vegetables.

Step 2:
When you’ve acclimatized yourself to juicing, start adding these vegetables:
•  Red leaf lettuce
•  Green leaf lettuce
•  Romaine lettuce
•  Endive
•  Escarole
•  Spinach

Step 3:
After acclimatizing to step 2, add the following vegetables:
•  Cabbage
•  Chinese cabbage
•  Bok choy

Step 4:
When you are ready, move on to adding herbs to your juicing. Herbs also make wonderful combinations, and there are two that work exceptionally well:
•  Parsley
•  Cilantro

You need to be cautious with cilantro, as many cannot tolerate it well. If you are new to juicing, hold off. These are more challenging vegetables to consume, but they are highly beneficial.

Step 5:
Only use 1-2 leaves as they are bitter:
•  Kale
•  Collards
•  Dandelion greens
•  Mustard greens

Step 6:
To make your juice more palatable:
•  Coconut
•  Cranberries
•  Lemons
•  Fresh ginger

Green vegetables provide numerous benefits, partially due to the presence of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll stimulates red blood cells, has antioxidant and anti-cancer effects, cleanses the body, eliminates odors, and assists with wound healing. The juices of green vegetables are very high in chlorophyll and should be used on a daily basis. Some of these juices are very strong and should be diluted with milder juices such as carrot, celery, or apple. Here are some to try:

Cabbage Juice
Cabbage contains a huge source of vitamin U. Duodenal ulcers heal rapidly with frequent consumption of raw cabbage or cabbage and carrot juice. This may result in gas as the juice dissolve toxins in the intestinal tract. Cabbage juice also helps relieve constipation, and skin problems that can result from constipation. The “Eat Right For Your Type” approach does not support lectin compatibility for blood type A individuals.

Carrot Juice
This delicious juice has the following properties:
•  Eliminates toxins
•  Aids digestion
•  Improves and maintains bone and teeth
•  Improves muscle tone
•  Helps prevent infections of respiratory organs
•  Reduces ulcerous and cancerous conditions
•  Helps protect the nervous system
•  Increases vitality
•  Restores normal responsiveness to adrenal glands

Celery Juice
Celery juice is very high in organic sodium. This sodium is not the inorganic sodium found in all cooked and processed foods. The body cannot use inorganic sodium. Celery juice is one of the most important juices and should be used often, either alone or in combination with other juices; i.e. grapefruit.

Cucumber Juice
This juice is a very good natural diuretic. It is also good for rheumatic ailments, high and low blood pressure, and hair, nail, and skin problems.

Dandelion Juice
Dandelion is a rich source of nutrients and can be used for its diuretic effects as well as to improve liver and gallbladder function and promote weight loss.

Parsley Juice
This is one of the most potent juices and should always be used in small quantities and mixed with other juices. Parsley juice helps to build and maintain the blood, eyes, and genitourinary system, and is an excellent nerve stimulant.

Spinach Juice
Spinach juice is very good for cleansing, soothing, and healing the digestive tract and is a good blood strengthener. Spinach and carrot juice is tasty, creamy, and very curative.

Add 1-2 cloves of garlic to the juice as it incorporates incredible healing potential. Do this regularly to balance bowel flora. The ideal dose is just below the social threshold where people start to notice that you have eaten garlic=1 large clove=2 medium cloves=3 small cloves.

Chlorella is a powerful sea nutrient and form of algae. It binds very strongly to mercury and allows elimination from the body. The typical dose is 1 teaspoon in the juice. Approximately 30% of people cannot tolerate chlorella, so if it makes you nauseous, avoid it.

Spirulina is another algae that has many similar benefits and is a good balance to chlorella. It does not bind to heavy metals like chlorella.

Carrot, celery, parsley & spinach juice
The organic elements of this juice cover practically all those needed by the human body. This juice is very effective in recovering and maintaining health. Think of it as the ultimate super-juice.

Other Good Combos
•  Celery, fennel, cucumber with coconut
•  Red leaf, spinach, celery, and raw cranberries
•  Spinach, cucumber, celery, parsley, and ginger root
•  Romaine, dandelion green

Some delicious combinations
Generally no more than four items are used for one drink, and fruits and vegetables are not usually juiced together. The exceptions to this are apples, which mix reasonably well with vegetables, and celery and lettuce, which are so easy to digest they can mix with any juice.
•  Carrot juice mixed with any combination of spinach, beet, or cucumber
•  Carrot, apple, beet
•  Carrot, parsley, beet
•  Carrot, red chard, celery
•  Carrot, beet, yam
•  Carrot and a small amount of ginger
•  Orange and grapefruit
•  Any whole melon

Remember that juicing should be fun, so experiment with different combinations. Even if you create something you don’t like, you’ll know that your body profited from it.

Words of Advice

Start juicing with vegetables that you enjoy eating non-juiced. The juice should taste pleasant and not make you nauseous. It is very important to listen to your body when juicing. Your stomach should be very happy all morning long. If it is churning or growling or generally making its presence known, you probably juiced something you should not be eating.

Another Important Note
Some people prefer to juice vegetables at room temperature. You may leave your vegetables out overnight or for at least one hour prior to juicing in the morning. This is particularly true in winter.

Something To Bear In Mind
When you begin to improve your diet with fresh juices, your body will start cleaning itself. This process normally takes place without you realizing it, but occasionally the cleansing may overwhelm your system so that you get what is called a Herxheimer reaction. This may take the form of a headache, cold, or rash. Do not be alarmed; these are good reactions and will occur less frequently as you get healthier. Do not suppress any of these symptoms with drugs; doing so will prevent the body from cleansing. Just give your body time to respond in its own self-healing way.

Use juices in moderation as a part of a healthy diet. When used excessively, juices can precipitate problems with blood sugar control. If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, consult a holistic health care practitioner before juicing.

Choosing a Juicer
If you are new to juicing, it’s best to start with an inexpensive juicer. The benefit to this is that if you decide you do not want to continue, you will not be out a large amount of money. There are some things to watch for, however. Inexpensive centrifugal juicers produce low quality juice and are very loud, which may contribute to hearing loss. They are probably fine for short-term use. I own a Green Power juicer (now Green Star) and am pleased with that. Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends the Omega 8003.

Juicing is a time-consuming process. Vegetable juice is very perishable so it is best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you are careful, you can store it for up to 24 hours with only moderate nutritional decline. To store your juice:

  • Put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimum amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air will oxidize and damage the juice.
  • Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.
  • Store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking, as vegetable juice should be consumed at room temperature.


  • Clean the juicer immediately after juicing. An old toothbrush works extremely well.
  • To clean vegetable stains from juicers, try using a little vegetable oil on a sponge or paper towel—this often works wonders.

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